July 2000                                                            Letter to the Editor


Mandingo: Buck or Doe?


Letter to the Editor
Debauchery Times

July 24, 2000

It has come to this aspiring journalist's attention that several recent Test Matches have gone unreported at the illustrious Southside Pitch. It has become a topic of scorching debate among bocce players of female gender. Roman Debauchery, regarded by some as having unkind feelings towards women, has failed to report at least three test matches of which he was not the victor. There is great cause for concern that there may be many more such losses that have gone the way of other items of refuse at the Southside; piled up and thrown aside. Unfortunately, these awesome displays of bocce at its finest will not be picked up and displayed by Mother Debauchery as are other items with considerable less interest to the general public.

In a private interview with Madame Cristo earlier this week, it was noted that player Mandingo had been slain not once, but twice by La Femme Cristo and partner. It is understandable that Ms. Cristo was quite upset by the lack of press on what she considered her finest games to date. To quote: "Why is it that Buck never reports the games he loses?" This writer for one would be interested in a response from either Mr. Mandingo or R. Debauchery. She was quick to add that several of her less favorable matches were publicized, even to the point of reference being made to a "back of the hand" that was needed. Needless to say, this sort of overt anti-feministic coverage is highly inflammatory and to be blunt: sucks! If coverage favorable to women is not evident in upcoming Times newsletters, we shall assume that Buck Mandingo, much like Bambi's mother in the movie, has been felled by bocce bullets and has become nothing more than a shell of his former stature. It leads one to believe that this mighty buck, though not typically arachnophobic, has been neutralized in Cweb's net. This is particularly distressing, as it is widely known that she and Lady Gimlet have possibly been the largest female supporters of Mandingo for many months now. Even going so far as to withstand hours of post-bocce blame throwing, which is akin to an unlimited amount of cream pies being thrown at their faces at a carnival. Messy, embarrassing, and highly inappropriate. It is with great hope and prayer that this article will serve as a wake-up call, and the Debauchery Times will continue to report all matches as fairly and truthfully as it has in the past. Please don't let this crime against women continue.


I. M. Woman



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