Malt Liquor Tasting









1st Annual Malt Liquor Tasting

More times than I can count during my time in San Francisco the debate would start up about what the best malt liquor was. Invariably, I would declare Steel Reserve as the best, while Elbert would profess to the quality and taste of St.Ides, and Joh666n would stubbornly stick with his OE. Well I am not sure who originally had the idea, but I have been giving credit to Joh666n, to resolve the issues once and for all by having a malt liquor tasting where all the flavors and answers would be resolved. So to avoid boring you let’s get to the details.

Saturday July 22, 2006 in Elbert’s apartment we partook of what should become a periodic event, a malt liquor tasting. Participants were: Ajay, Elbert, Joh666n, J4, and Mamie. Note Mamie didn’t complete the tasting survey form. Malt liquors in the order tasted: Olde English High Gravity, King Cobra, St.Ides, Olde English 800, Mickey’s, and Steel Reserve. Additional notes: it was not a blind tasting and the order was selected from a hat.

Name OE High Gravity King Cobra St.Ides OE 800 Mickey's Steel Reserve
Ajay 3 3.5 3.5 3 2.5 3
Elbert 3 4 5 3.5 3 1
Joh666n 5 2 3 5 2 1
J4 2 4 2 4 3 1
Average 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.9 2.6 1.5

Of course there were comments too.

Name OE High Gravity King Cobra St.Ides OE 800 Mickey's Steel Reserve
Ajay strong alcohol taste, not sweet crisp, clean, Budweiser-ish fullness, after taste a little scary after taste but not as strong as St.Ides odd taste strong
Elbert charcoal filtered so fresh and so clean, clean     light wrongg - elbert didn't score SR so I gave it a score of 1
Joh666n ice cold and smooth Bud Light comes to mind dirty I love it! Bud Light folks ASS - Joh666n drew an extended middle finger as well
J4 bitter after taste, gave me the shakes easier to drink, can drink it on a good day erm .... cringing, eyes shut smoother than the rest, sweet neutral taste, no taste, no after taste, won't kill me ur...r..., HIGH GRAVITY ... LIKE A ROCK

And of course there were pixs.

the malt liquors the participants
The malt liquors The participants
the art of the pour Joh66n and OE
The art of the pour Joh66n and his OE HG

The rest of the pictures are here. enjoy!

Sudden Death Publications (c) 2003